POST 3: I gonna talk about my pets

I love all animals! I hope to be able to rescue them all and that they will live comfortably and happily. I have three dogs, before i had five dogs but the destiny decided took this angels to the heaven. I account you, my pets is one "Bouvier de Berna" named Miley (in honor to Miley Cyrus) and two "Shih-tzu" (mother and son) named Morita and Cody. The other angels is a golden retriever named Amira and a Shith-zu named Eddie (this name because my father love Iron Maiden´s Pet). All they arrived to my life because my parents loves dogs, first purchased one, then other and other... Anyway, Miley is very affectionate, she likes to hand over his paw and run, but we must hide the potatoes and flowers because she eats them. Morita is very inactive, she sleeping all day and annoying when I am in class. And Cody is very quiet, but he wants to eat all day hahah. They are very important in my life, because they give me joy, laughter, tranquility and a lot of love.